The Nonprofit Sector Is Going On A Hiring Spree This Year: Report

By Eleanor Goldberg
The Huffington Post

Here’s more proof that it pays to give back.

 Half of U.S. nonprofits plan on creating new positions this year, and will outpace the private sector while they’re at it, according to a recent Nonprofit HR report. The industry is expected to continue to grow as the economy recovers and charitable giving rises.

 Not only does this mean that nonprofits are putting more Americans to work, but this growth suggests that communities with strong nonprofit representation will be that much better prepared to withstand whatever economic hardship may come next," the group said in a statement. "Picture these robust and growing nonprofits as New Orleans' levees being made stronger to prevent another hurricane disaster."

 According to the report, just 36 percent of private companies expect to increase their staff size this year.

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