Favorite Fundraising Books for Nonprofit Management (Updated March, 2015)

From doublethedonation.com

The Double the Donation team loves Netflix as much as everyone else, but we also love books. Our interests range from The Hunger Games to Anna Karenina to Harlequin romance novels. What we all have in common is a fervent interest in reading about the nonprofit industry, and a recent conversation got us thinking about our favorite nonprofit books.

The discussion got heated. Tape dispensers went flying. Water was spilled. One of us had to break out a band-aid because he got a paper cut while trying to do some actual work.
The following list did not come easy, but the Double the Donation team endorses each of these books. They’re informative, fun, and necessary texts for anyone who wants to learn the ins and outs of the nonprofit space.

Fundraising with BusinessesFundraising with Business

Author: Joe Waters
Who’s it for?: Nonprofits who want to take advantage of established relationships with businesses.
What’s it about?: Joe is up front about his book being inspiration. Every strategy he details requires hard work by nonprofits. While hard work may sound, well, hard, Joe provides a wealth of ideas, from collecting change to donations at retail check outs to leveraging social media. They’re money making strategies that work, and he provides real world examples to demonstrate how to get them started for your nonprofit.
Preview Fundraising with Businesses: 40 New (and Improved!) Strategies for Nonprofits.

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