Is Your Nonprofit Ready for 2030?
By Robert Egger
This week I’m headed to Newark, NJ to give a keynote address at the Alliance for Nonprofit Management’s annual gathering. I’m honored for numerous reasons, the least of which is that it’s also the 25th anniversary of the Terry McAdams Book Award, which my book, “Begging for Change”, won in 2005.
If you’ve read it, it’s pretty clear that “Begging” is a pissed-off book. It was written prior to a trip to India I made to study the Indian National Congress, where I experienced political enlightenment and realized I had spent a few hundred pages blaming the players, not the game…in short, castigating nonprofits for flaws that are more a byproduct of our economic role and design than by leadership flaws (although they abound) .
But it was also a book loaded with theories about the future, many of which turned out to be pretty accurate.
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