Grant writing workshop with Dr. Linda Karges-Bone at CSU Sept. 17

The Charleston Area Grant Professionals (CAGP) and Dr. Linda Karges-Bone of Charleston Southern University (CSU) are presenting a unique workshop and training "Fall into Grant Writing" at CSU on Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 1-4 pm.

Topics will include:

  *  What at the new trends in grant making?

  *   How can you avoid the 10 common mistakes in grant design?

   *  Where do you find grant dollars in this tough economy?

   *  Are there "hot topics" in grants?

   *  Can faith-based organizations secure grants?

   *  What words "sound good" in grants?  Do you "speak grant?"

    The $50 registration fee includes "The Educator's Guide to Grants" with funding CD.

     To register contact Carolyn Lackey at or visit or



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