Two Free E-books For Nonprofits on Fundraising, Marketing, and Content Strategies
By Beth Kanter
I’m thrilled to announce that I contributed to: npEXPERTS: Fundraising Ideas and Marketing Tips from the Pros(#npEXPERTS), a 46-page free e-book collaboratively written by a cross-section of npEXPERTS in fundraising, marketing and communications, social media, mobile technology, digital advertising, and more.
The npEXPERTS e-book includes Forbes’ most influential, top bloggers, CFRE/ACFREs, animal lovers and association pros, pioneers and innovators, peer-to-peer fundraisers and direct response agitators, online fundraising experts and direct mail gurus all in one place. But most of all, within this e-book resides the wisdom of a group of individuals who have dedicated their lives to making the world a better place by using their talents to make a real difference.
Once you download the Fundraising Ideas e-Book you’ll gain insight into: