"Thanks for Giving" essay contest and Philanthropy Week in the Lowcountry Nov. 12-18
Source: The Post and Courier, Oct. 21, 2012
The Coastal Community Foundation and The Post and Courier are sponsoring a "Thanks for Giving" essay contest as part of the seventh annual Philanthropy Week in the Lowcountry Nov. 12-18.
To enter, write 300 words or less on the following question: "During this season of thanks, who or what has shown great generosity for which you are grateful?"
Winners will be determined by the Coastal Community Foundation, The Post and Courier and South Carolina Bank and Trust. Judges' decisions are final. Awards are sponsored by South Carolina Bank And Trust.
The first-place recipient will be allowed to designate $1,500 to a local registered 501(c)3 nonprofit or a recognized house of worship. The second place winner will designate $1,000. Four honorable mention winners also will be selected. The top six winners will be featured Nov. 25 in The Post and Courier.
Entries must be received by 5 pm Nov. 5. Essays cannot be more than 300 words. Email submissions to anna@CoastalCommunityFoundation.org or entries can be mailed (postmarked by Nov. 3) to Coastal Community Foundation offices at 635 Rutledge Ave., Suite 201, Charleston, SC 29403 (ATTN: Thanks for Giving Essay).
All entries must include the complete name and address and a means of contacting the submitter, and the complete name and contact information of a registered 501(c)3 local nonprofit or recognized house of worship.
For more information on Philanthropy Week in the Lowcountry and ways to get involved, call 723-3635 or go to philanthropyweek.org