Charleston Association of Grant Professionals (CAGP) to meet Oct. 16

The Charleston Association of Grant Professionals (CAGP) will meet Tuesday, Oct. 16 from 5:45-7:30 in the auditorium of the main Charleston County Public Library, 68 Calhoun St. in Charleston.

The meeting topic will be "Best Ever Proposal Letters."  Model letters of inquiry, intent and proposal will be discussed and shared.  Bring your own proposal letters to share with the group.  There will be games, activities and door prizes.

The presenter will be Dr. Patty Hambrick, Director of Academic Technology and Academic Grants at Charleston Southern University.  She will facilitate the program with sample guidelines, audience participation, and chocolate.

Dr. Hambrick is a national speaker for integration of children's literature and mathematics as well as practices for technology integration to improve teaching and learning.

If you plan to bring a letter to share with the group, please email Carolyn Lackey ( and let her know.


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