Internal and External Tools that Can Help Your Organization Be More Effective

By Terri Harel
Cofounder, ImpactFlo

There are over a million nonprofit organizations in the US alone – that’s over a million opportunities for people to choose a cause and make a difference. It also means a competitive environment for cause-oriented nonprofits. In order to stand out, grow and improve their impact, organizations can, and should, take advantage of the online tools at their disposal.

The utilization of technology in the nonprofit world, like in the business world, comes in two pieces: internal and external. Internal management systems and tracking tools are integral to keeping an organization well-oiled and effective at what they do. Equally as important are the external systems organizations use to communicate their work to the public. This includes having a website that uses up-to-date and modern design standards, is mobile friendly, and mimics social media browsing and sharing capabilities.

There is a lot to think about when it comes to upgrading a nonprofit’s technology stack, but the good news is that an incredible number of free (or cheap) and easy tools exist to catalyze an organization’s success and to track their impact.



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