Charleston Association of Grant Professionals (CAGP) to meet Sept. 15
The Charleston Association of Grant Professionals (CAGP)
will meet Tuesday, Sept. 15 in the auditorium of the Charleston County Public Library, 68 Calhoun
Street in Charleston, from 5:45 – 7:30 p.m.
The presenters will be Mary Jo Thomas-Delaney, Grant
Services, Inc. and Ken Ryan, Founder and Chief Creative Officer, KRyanCreative,
Topics will be: “Are
You Ready to Write a Federal Grant Proposal?" and "Federal Grants -
My Journey Thus Far."
Join us for an overview of the federal grants process by an
extremely successful federal grant writer followed by a first person account of
tackling the system and process.
Meetings are free and open to anyone interested in the
grants process.
For more information, email or
call 843.452.4492.