The 7 Ways To Get Smarter About Fundraising – FAST
By Andreia Lorgovan
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Can you actually improve your fundraising skills? And is there a fast way to do it?
You can’t become a successful fundraiser unless you have a special gift and calling for this profession, but you can definitely get smarter about fundraising if you consistently work towards this goal.
Here are 7 proven methods that can help you accelerate your fundraising learning and achieve your nonprofit organization’s financial goals:
1. Find and read interviews of successful fundraising experts
There are two things that fundraising experts usually share during interviews: mindset and experience. If you want to become a fundraising professional, you need to think and act like one, and the easiest and most accessible way to do it is to read the insights these people provide during interviews.
Plus you’ll get to know better people you admire and trust – who wouldn’t like to hear some great stories and advice from fundraising gurus?Stay tuned as we will soon start a series of interviews with fundraising experts!
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