How the CEO of is helping nonprofits raise funds

Robin Blakely

"Retail veteran and longtime philanthropist Nancy Y. Taylor always believed that someone in big business should be about putting charity first.  Now, she’s the leader of a big business movement that is revolutionizing how America shops and how nonprofits can leverage social media to raise funds to support their causes.

"Nancy describes why helping charity matters. “Nonprofits make miracles happen every day.  It bothers me that these miracle workers have to make-do and get-by too often with too little. I want to help charities make a difference, so I launched”

"The site modernizes charitable fundraising by combining ecommerce and social good. It transforms online shopping into a fun and easy way to support a cause—in truth, far more than a million causes. has partnered with nonprofit leader GuideStar to help shoppers find legitimate nonprofits with the click of a button..."


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