Upcoming Grant Deadlines
Best Buy @15 Community Grants (Deadline: July 1) Through the @15 Community Grants Program, Best Buy teams across the United States select non-profit organizations that provide positive experiences to help teens to excel in school, engage in their communities, and develop leadership skills. This year, Best Buy Children's Foundation will give $2 million through the Community Grants Program. Best Buy seeks applications from organizations that have current 501(c)(3) tax status and are serving a diverse population of young teens in the areas of learning, life skills, leadership or relationship development. Special consideration will be given to programs that: Serve a diverse population in local or regional communities; Build social, academic, leadership and/or life skills in early adolescents (primarily ages 13-18); Show positive results against a demonstrated community need; Reach at-risk children in working families. This is an annual grant program with applications accepted June 1-July 1, 2010. Maximum award: $10,000 www.easymatch.com/bestbuygrant/
Change for the Children Grants (Deadline: July 15) DoSomething.org has teamed up with The Jonas Brothers Change for the Children Foundation to award project grants to individuals who are taking action in their communities across the U.S. and Canada. Do you have a sustainable community action project, program or idea that focuses on: the Special Olympics, Diabetes Awareness, or Volunteerism? Then these are the grants for you and your program! While projects that cover any cause are eligible to apply, special focus will be given to these three causes (the Jonas Brothers' causes!). Ten projects will receive $1,500 grants for their projects or organizations. All of the winners will be featured on DoSomething.org and ChangefortheChildren.org, and celebrated through various marketing platforms. www.dosomething.org/grants/changeforthechildren
AMA Foundation Healthy Living Grant Program (Deadline: July 15 ) The Healthy Living Grant Program, an initiative of the AMA Foundation, supports grassroots public health projects that encourage healthy lifestyles in communities across the nation. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in the following three categories: Nutrition/Physical Fitness; Alcohol, Substance Abuse, and Smoking Prevention; and Violence Prevention. Funded projects should target underserved and/or at-risk youth between the ages of 2-21. Organizations that have been in existence for at least one year and that have an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less are eligible to apply. Application guidelines and forms are available at: www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/about-ama/ama-foundation/our-programs/public-health/healthy-living-grants.shtml
WhyHunger: Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards (Deadline: July 15) The Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards program, administered by WhyHunger, provides grants to community-based organizations judged outstanding for their innovative approaches to fighting hunger and poverty in the United States by empowering people and building self-reliance. The awards honor those organizations that help people improve their own lives and the communities in which they live. Eligible organizations must offer program activities that go beyond emergency food, shelter, and other types of assistance to address the root causes of poverty. (Organizations providing only basic services will not be considered.) In this grant cycle, ten organizations will receive awards of up to $7,000. www.whyhunger.org/programs/grassroots-action-network/272.html
2010 LEGO® Smart™ Creativity Contest (Pre-Registration Deadline: July 30) LEGO® Education is inviting K-12 teachers and home educators from across the United States to register as contestants for the 2010 LEGO® Smart™ Creativity Contest, challenging classrooms coast to coast to become LEGO Smart! If you are a teacher, home educator, after-school program director, or otherwise working with students (K-12) within the education field, you are eligible to compete in this year's contest. The 2010 contest, including prize information and contest rules, will be emailed to all pre-registered contestants on Monday, August 2, 2010. Register at: www.legoeducation.us/about/item.aspx?art=3465&bhcp=1
Change for the Children Grants (Deadline: July 15) DoSomething.org has teamed up with The Jonas Brothers Change for the Children Foundation to award project grants to individuals who are taking action in their communities across the U.S. and Canada. Do you have a sustainable community action project, program or idea that focuses on: the Special Olympics, Diabetes Awareness, or Volunteerism? Then these are the grants for you and your program! While projects that cover any cause are eligible to apply, special focus will be given to these three causes (the Jonas Brothers' causes!). Ten projects will receive $1,500 grants for their projects or organizations. All of the winners will be featured on DoSomething.org and ChangefortheChildren.org, and celebrated through various marketing platforms. www.dosomething.org/grants/changeforthechildren
AMA Foundation Healthy Living Grant Program (Deadline: July 15 ) The Healthy Living Grant Program, an initiative of the AMA Foundation, supports grassroots public health projects that encourage healthy lifestyles in communities across the nation. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded in the following three categories: Nutrition/Physical Fitness; Alcohol, Substance Abuse, and Smoking Prevention; and Violence Prevention. Funded projects should target underserved and/or at-risk youth between the ages of 2-21. Organizations that have been in existence for at least one year and that have an annual operating budget of $500,000 or less are eligible to apply. Application guidelines and forms are available at: www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/about-ama/ama-foundation/our-programs/public-health/healthy-living-grants.shtml
WhyHunger: Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards (Deadline: July 15) The Harry Chapin Self-Reliance Awards program, administered by WhyHunger, provides grants to community-based organizations judged outstanding for their innovative approaches to fighting hunger and poverty in the United States by empowering people and building self-reliance. The awards honor those organizations that help people improve their own lives and the communities in which they live. Eligible organizations must offer program activities that go beyond emergency food, shelter, and other types of assistance to address the root causes of poverty. (Organizations providing only basic services will not be considered.) In this grant cycle, ten organizations will receive awards of up to $7,000. www.whyhunger.org/programs/grassroots-action-network/272.html
2010 LEGO® Smart™ Creativity Contest (Pre-Registration Deadline: July 30) LEGO® Education is inviting K-12 teachers and home educators from across the United States to register as contestants for the 2010 LEGO® Smart™ Creativity Contest, challenging classrooms coast to coast to become LEGO Smart! If you are a teacher, home educator, after-school program director, or otherwise working with students (K-12) within the education field, you are eligible to compete in this year's contest. The 2010 contest, including prize information and contest rules, will be emailed to all pre-registered contestants on Monday, August 2, 2010. Register at: www.legoeducation.us/about/item.aspx?art=3465&bhcp=1