New way for nonprofits to raise money

Editor-Birmingham Business Journal

"Revenue at Birmingham's top 25 nonprofits on the BBJ's largest nonprofits List this week hasn't budged in four years. And some say it isn't going to if fundraising organizations don't change the way they do business.

"There is a movement across the country to make that change – and much of it includes changing the mindsets of those running the nonprofits and those giving to the nonprofits, said Shannon Ammons, CEO of the Alabama Association of Nonprofits

"Nonprofits need to ask the question, 'So what?' So you taught a class about birth control. But who cares? How did that help make Birmingham better?" Ammons said.

"In the cover story this week, Ammons talks about how nonprofits need to have measurable outcomes, but to move the needle, they have to move to a more "collective impact" model, she said.

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