Building Capacity by Transforming Grantor/Grantee Relationships

a service of The Foundation Center

We often hear that nonprofits desire a closer and more open relationshipwith their funders. And while many grantmakers support this idea, it’s not always clear what it actually means in practice.

The Bayview Hunters Point Community Fund offers one example of what it looks like when traditional grantor/grantee relationships are changed to foster mutual trust and a more personal relationship. We recently released a final report to share what we learned about capacity building over our 13 year initiative, during which we provided an unprecedented level of funding to 30 small youth development organizations within the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco.

We didn’t set out to transform the way we worked with grantee partners. Our original goal was to help build the organizational and programmatic capacity of youth-serving organizations in this low-income, traditionally African American neighborhood. But we quickly realized that to be effective, our capacity building activities needed to be individualized and responsive.

What did this really mean in practice?

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