Nonprofit Branding - Through Your Website, and Beyond
By Rachel Reich
Principal, Stone Soup Collective
It seems that, with all the focus on social media, multi-channel campaigns, mobile technology, etc., we may have let slip to the back burner some key reminders of how your website plays an anchor role in your nonprofit's brand. What are some website-specific branding considerations? How does your website support your brand and all the other online presence considerations?
An organization’s brand is everything it stands for - its vision and values, and the emotional connotations it inspires in everyone who comes in contact with it.
Since your website is likely the primary way in which prospective audiences and donors learn about your organization, it’s your best brand ambassador. The information on your website should be presented in a clear, unambiguous way so supporters are engaged, not lost and confused. That information can be conveyed in two ways, primarily: through words, and through visuals. And both types of content need to be consistent and resonant with your nonprofit’s brand.Read more: