
Showing posts from April, 2013

Programs offering tiny grants help rural S.C. residents grow businesses

10 Inspiring Non-Profits on Instagram

How To Use Instagram For Nonprofits

Sequester Takes Toll on Social Safety Net Nonprofits

Moulin Rouge Charity Auction to benefit the Charleston Concert Association set for April 25

Earth Day Charities: Top Local Green Nonprofit Of The Month (VOTE)

Inspirational Advice for Nonprofits

How nonprofits can use SMART goals to chart impact

Charleston Association of Grant Professionals (CAGP) to meet Tuesday night, April 16

Efforts underway to launch national public service cable TV network

Good Clean Fund Looks To Help Nonprofits Raise Funding, Support

Mobile Giving 101: Why Mobile Is an Important Part of Nonprofit Fundraising Campaigns

Mobile Matters: The Impact of Mobile Technology on Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

What It Means To Be A Philanthropist -- Gen Xers and Millennials Weigh In

Impact Magazine Releases Special Report Identifying Emerging Trends in Philanthropy and Investment in Global Health

Advice for charities that want to capitalise on major donor fundraising

How do foundations gauge grant impact?

Two Free E-books For Nonprofits on Fundraising, Marketing, and Content Strategies

New Books Designed to Increase Fundraising

U.S. Nonprofits Innovating and Adapting to New Reality