The Imperfect Storm: Nonprofits Need to Ride for Their Brand (Series Post 4)

In our initial blog post, we identified five key shifts affecting the environment for nonprofits that have co-mingled with the economy to create the potential for continued rough times. The last post covered Shift #2: Define by Results. In this post, we'll explore the importance of nonprofit branding.

Shift #3: Nonprofits need to ride for their brand.Another major change in this imperfect storm is from the many to the one. Although many foundations and other funds have emphasized the importance of groups working together in partnerships, networks, and collaborative ventures, the emerging philanthropic focus is on which groups deliver the best results. The best get the money, the investment in their programs to improve human lives and conditions. We see foundations and individual donors alike shifting from sprinkling support among many groups to figuring out which ones are achieving the greatest impact. Then, funders are choosing to support these specific organizations in a bigger way.
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