
Last night at the annual CAGP Christmas meeting Richard Hendry, Vice President of Programs for the Coastal Community Foundation, stepped outside of his box and gave a presentation that made the audience really think about the way nonprofits "do business". He based his presentation on a blog by Dan Pallotta, founder of TeamWorks and inventor of the AIDSRides and Breast Cancer 3 Day Walks and author of Uncharitable:How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential. Pallotta challenges the way nonprofits communicate, fund raise, compensate employees and much more. He urges nonprofits to think "outside the box" and market themselves like a for profit would. Are his ideas radical or are they genius? If you didn't make it to the meeting last night I suggest you take a look for yourself. No doubt you will not agree with everything he says but I think you will find yourself realizing one thing. Boxes are better made for packing.



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